Traductions Gérard SPRL
Rue Val d'Alvaux, 16
B-1457 Nil-Saint-Vincent (Walhain)
Tel: +32 475 345 341
Email: info[arobase]
Questions and comments: contact form
Request a translation quote
Use our online quotation request form
How are translation prices calculated?
The price of a translation depends on several criteria, including the language combination, the degree of difficulty, the specific requirements, the availability (or not) of a basic template, the type of file used, the degree of urgency, and the volume to be translated. A translation can be billed per 60 character (ASCII) line, in words,or in pages depending on the client's requirements.
Delivery is included in the price and the client may choose the method of said delivery (Internet, DVD, USB drive, fax, post, etc.) and the format required.
Request a quote for interpreting
For all requests for interpreting or conference organisation quotes, send us an email at interpretation[arobase] specifying the type, place and dates of the event, the languages requested, the form of interpreting required and the number of participants.
Quote requests for editorial services
Are you thinking of organising a European Works Council? Do you need someone impartial to take minutes or record statements?
Send us an email at info[arobase], specifying the place and dates of the event.