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  • Institutions and other bodies of the European Union (Belgium, Brussels)
  • FAIB (Brussels), Federation of European and International Associations established in Belgium


Translation of all types of documents, texts and websites, in numerous fields

  • French
  • English
  • Dutch
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • other European languages

Find out more about our translation services


High quality professional translation for:

  • businesses
  • institutions
  • individuals

Find out more about our translation services


Skilled and professional translator-interpreters for all types of interpreting:

  • simultaneous
  • consecutive
  • whispered

Find out more about our interpreting services


  • Transcription and typing
  • Note-taking and recording of minutes

Find out more about our editorial services


of the translation office:

  • Member states of the European Union, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Holland, Luxembourg and Germany, among others.
  • Switzerland, the United States, Canada


What is interpreting? What different techniques can be used?

Interpreting is the art of passing on a speaker's message in a different language to that of the speaker. Interpreting can essentially be divided into three forms: simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting and whispering.

Simultaneous Interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting is the quickest form of interpreting and consists of translating a short speech or address orally, at the same time as this is taking place. Simultaneous translation requires the use of a technical installation essentially composed of cabins, microphones, and headphones. This form of interpreting is particularly suited to conferences, conventions, and multilingual work groups.

Consecutive Interpreting

Consecutive interpreting involves speaking immediately after a speaker or participant has finished their short speech or address, in order to translate their message into another language.  Consecutive interpreting does not require any special equipment,


Chuchotage or whispered interpreting entails whispering the interpretation into the ear(s) of a very small group of listeners.

Do you need interpreting services for your conferences, conventions, symposia, seminars, meetings, product presentations, business negotiations, business lunches, business trips, etc.?

To allow us to put together teams of interpreters, it is essential for you to advise us of the active and passive languages required for the interpreting assignment. By "active languages" we mean the languages into which interpretation is assured, and by "passive languages", the languages from which the interpreting may take place.

Send us an email at interpretation[arobase]traductions-gerard.be, specifying the type, place and dates of your event, the languages requested, the type of interpreting required, and the number of participants.


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